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Doublelift and CoreJJ's thoughts on LEC junglers
DoubleLift reacting to CoreJJ smurfing in LCS
Doublelift is DISGUSTED by CoreJJ's play...
Doublelift and Sneaky React to Abbedagge Roasting CoreJJ in Interview
TL CoreJJ and Doublelift say what will help NA teams to do well at Worlds 2022
CoreJJ's funny story about 2016 Samsung Galaxy (SSG) practicing vs NA Academy teams.
Doublelift On Why He Retired From LCS
Sneaky & Meteos React To CoreJJ's Huge Engage Against LNG!!
TL CoreJJ annihilates his old Teammate with Jensen
When Doublelift tries to lead the commentary...
Doublelift On How LCS's Viewership Decline Has Impacted Players